COMPLETE Set of City Ordinances
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As we go about our daily routines, we don’t often consider that our city is governed by a multitude of various Ordinances & Codes that have been established over the years that help make our community a better place to live.
Before undertaking a building project, have you ever wondered if there is a City Ordinance that establishes some guidelines to follow? Or when winter weather sets in, have you given any consideration regarding what our responsibility is to help facilitate snow removal?
When those questions arise, we want to make it easy for you to locate the answers to those any many other questions that you may have by placing a copy of the;
for the City of New Sharon on this website for you to refer to whenever any of those questions arise. You don’t have to contact your council person or Mayor for the answer, it can be found here. Take a minute to browse through the pages of this document and make yourself familiar with the the ordinances & codes that help make our city function.
Ordinances governing such things as:
City Council
City Clerk
City Attorney
Passage of an ordinance, amendment, or resolution requires a majority vote of all of the members of the Council. Passage of a motion requires a majority vote of a quorum of the Council. A resolution must be passed to spend public funds in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) on a public improvement project, or to accept public improvements and facilities upon their completion. Each Council member’s vote on a measure must be recorded. A measure which fails to receive sufficient votes for passage shall be considered defeated. Read More
No building or other structure shall be erected, altered, used or occupied within the City without first receiving a permit therefor. Application shall be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the City of New Sharon.
If you have questions relating to the issuance, exemptions and requirement for a drawing of the proposed work to be done, please review the documentation BUILDING PERMITS by following the link provided below.
To make application for a building permit,
click on the links provided to download a copy.
(Updated Ordinances) | (Building Permit Applications) | ||
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ORDINANCE 2023-001
Amending Code of Ordinances – (Posted: 6-Apr-2023)
ORDINANCE 2024-003, 004 Amending Code of Ordinances – (Posted: 22-Aug-2024)
Golf carts may be operated upon the streets of the City by persons at least 16 years of age and possessing a valid driver’s license, except …
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The operators of all-terrain vehicles and off-road utility vehicles shall comply with the following restrictions as to where all-terrain vehicles and off-road utility vehicles may be operated within the City …
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An Ordinance vacating the alley in block 5 of Snell’s Addition +of the original Plat of New Sharon …
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No person shall park, abandon or leave unattended any vehicle on any public street, alley, or City-owned offstreet parking area during any snow emergency proclaimed by the Mayor unless the snow has been removed or plowed from said street, alley or parking area and the snow has ceased to fall.
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It is unlawful for any owner to allow an animal to run at large within the corporate limits of the City. It is (also) unlawful for the owner of a dog to allow or permit such dog to cause serious annoyance or disturbance to any person or persons by frequent and habitual howling, yelping, barking, or otherwise; or, by running after or chasing persons, bicycles, automobiles or other vehicles.
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The owners, agents or occupants of all lots and parcels of ground within the City shall cut, or cause to be cut, all weeds or tall grass on their respective premises as aforesaid not later than May 15, June 15, July 15, August 15 and September 15 respectively, each year.
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